Interview schedule/outline:
1-President of Four Paws (Caitlin Little)
-perspective from administrative point of view
exciting stories
how she obtained/earned this position and what do you need to qualify?
what is the graduating process in four paws? Process of the entire program?
-ask about the events they hold. which are their favorites and why?
2-Wildcat Service Dogs Trainer (Savannah Shipp)
-what its like to train the dogs
hardest things to overcome when training
-whats the process like to become a wildcat trainer
-any interesting stories to share
-any questions specific to her training since she is newly training a
brand new puppy
-why did you pick wildcat service dogs as opposed to the four paws for
ability? Any reasons specific to you?
3-Leader for Wildcat Service Dogs (Laura )
-how did you become a leader in this organization?
-ask about the club if any specific questions in mind
to pull any stories we can
-what is the training process like for the wildcat service dogs?
-ask about the events they participate in and which of them are their
favorites and why?
4-Trainer for Four Paws (Allison Shirley)
-whats it like to train these dogs since they are more geared towards
being socialized rather than trained to aid those with impairments.
-how do you discipline them when in public and how do you deal with
their reactions?
-have you ever had to train older dogs and not just ones that are only a
few months old?
-why did you pick this organization over the wildcat service dogs?
Anything specific to you?
5-Random Interview (street interview or someone
on campus)
-have you ever heard of either of these organizations?
-what do you know about them?