Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Questions I hate

There are a variety of questions I despise, most of which pertain to my height. “How’s the weather down there?” is a favorite of my friends to ask, as well as “Are you a legal midget?” I would consider both to be far more insulting if I in fact was below the height requirement of four-foot and ten-inches. I am in fact one inch taller (thank you very much). More than anything, I just find these questions to be insensitive. I am perfectly fine being the height that I am, but for those legal defined as small people, I could see how these comments could cause more than a slightly bruised ego. One of Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote captures my feelings on this topic; “Its better to be silent and remain a fool then to speak and remove all doubt.” If everyone just took one second and paused to examine if what they were about to say in any way contributed to the conversation, it would almost extinguish the amount of annoying awkward laughs that riddle my life.

Another, almost as annoying question that people ask me frequently is “Really?” While this may seem as a reaction of surprise, by asking if what I just said is indeed true, is almost as insulting I am legally handicapped. It is simply a waste of breath and is hardly ever answered anyway. Pointless questions are so threaded into our culture; I find people hardly get annoyed with garbage like “really?” In both cases Abraham Lincoln’s quote applies beautifully as a way to describe the downfall of our civilization.  

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