Thursday, February 27, 2014

Shark Tank Proposal Review

This speech was something I planned out but did not try and memorize word for word. In some ways I see this as a good thing, and in other ways I think it made me look less prepared. Public speaking has never been a strong suit of mine, however I feel my lack of confidence wasn't always visible in my speech. This was a huge step for me. I did see some nervous ticks develop, that I would like to reabsorb and not make a habit of. Things like playing with my feet, over emphasizes with my hands, and my hair slightly covering my face. These are all things to work on, however I feel I completed what was asked of me in the assignment. I dressed to the occasion, and delivered a speech, even though everyone in the room had already heard it (three times that day even). This within itself was a challenge for me. Knowing that everyone just wanted to leave the room, and that I could hardly shed light on this project was  more than a little imtimidating. I think my nerves got the better of me in the end when I gracefully fell into my seat. After reading my review, I do agree with the constructive criticism that I could have outlined my planned more concisely and tried to paint a better picture of my documentary. Overall I think I need to focus on my nervous ticks, and not letting my nervousness get the best of my speech, or allow it to distract from it. I also noticed that I used the dreaded "um" somewhat frequently. I credit this to the order I was in and attempting not running out the door screaming. While there is a fair amount I am able to improve on for my next speech, in every way possible I found my speech effective and fulling the guidelines and believe I did well.

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